Hummer 8

Useful Information for New Boarding Students and Parents

You will soon start as a boarding student, and you might be wondering what will happen and what you need to bring when you move into Herlufsholm School.

The move-in day is August 11, 2024, with the following schedule:

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Move-in. Meeting place: Agora
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch in the dining halls or on the Green Plaza for parents and students, followed by a welcome by Heis.
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM: Welcome meetings in the dormitories for all new students by the dorm teachers.
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: Coffee table for everyone in Klostergården
5:00 PM: Latest departure time for parents
6:00 PM: Dinner in the dining halls. Dress code: halfgala
7:30 PM: Courtyard activities by dorm teachers and intro guides
9:45 PM: Late-night snack at your own dormitory
10:30 PM: Bedtime

Moving into the dormitory

We know that many new boarding students think a lot about what to bring for the move-in. At Herlufsholm, we call your room a “hummer,” and depending on which dorm you move into, there may be minor variations in the room's furnishings. However, all rooms include the following:

  • Desk and desk chair
  • A cabinet with a lock.
  • Sofa or sofa bed.
  • In some dorms you will also have a small coffee table and a chair.

After you have moved in, you can have a look at your room and see if you think you need a few decorative items.

Click on your student hall on the link below and read about the dormitory, its layout, what you will find in your room and who your new dorm teacher is.

Packing list

Below you will find our suggestions for a packing list that covers a full school year - but don’t worry, you don’t have to bring it all at once and if you forget something, we are sure you will manage.

Hummer equipment

  • Music & earphones
  • Pictures and posters (there are suspension rails)
  • Clothes hangers
  • Baskets or boxes for odds and ends
  • Computer + USB key
  • Cell phone + tablet if desired
  • Chargers for electronic equipment
  • Extension cord with several outlets
  • Decorative items + desk lamp if desired


  • School bag
  • Pencil case
  • Pencils + sharpener
  • Eraser
  • Pens
  • Protractor + a pair of compasses + ruler
  • Calculator (middle schoolers)
  • Scissors + cellotape
  • Folders
  • Calendar


  • Water bottle
  • Bathrobe
  • Flipflops or similar
  • Shampoo + conditioner
  • Toothbrush + toothpaste
  • Deodorant
  • Cotton swabs
  • Nail clippers
  • Hair dryer
  • Flat iron
  • Laundry basket
  • Laundry bag
  • Detergent
  • Sewing kit
  • Shoe polish + brush
  • Adhesive bandages
  • Blister bandages

Special for parents

  • Herlufsholm clothing

The time for fitting and ordering school clothing at Mister in Næstved is here.
The description of Herlufsholm clothing can be found here.

  • School year 2024/25

The annual plan can be found here.

  • School fees

The fee is paid quarterly in advance. At the same time, expenses incurred by boarding and day students for other things, such as excursions and bus transportation, are paid.

  • Payment terms

For each student, a student account is created in the accounting department, where the financial transactions between the school and home are settled. Invoices are sent quarterly around July 1, October, January, and April, with a payment deadline by the end of the respective months.

  • Deposit

Upon enrollment, a deposit of 2,000 DKK is paid for boarding students.
When the student leaves the school – usually after graduation – the deposit is refunded when all borrowed books, keys, etc. have been returned.

  • Withdrawal

If a student and their parents wish to withdraw the student from the school during a school year, the fee and any additional items on the student account are paid until the end of the quarter in which the withdrawal is notified to the school. If a student must leave the school at the school's request, payment is due until the end of the month in which the school's decision is communicated to the family.

  • Insurance

Remember to check if the student is adequately insured, especially concerning liability, accident, personal property, and travel. The student is responsible for personal belongings during their stay at Herlufsholm, including bicycles and electronic equipment.
For parents residing abroad, there may be special conditions regarding the insurance coverage of their children's travel to and from Herlufsholm. The school has arranged a special travel insurance that takes these conditions into account.
More information can be obtained by contacting the Goods Office at +45 55 75 35 01.

  • Travel weekend – bus departure

The travel weekend begins for boarding students after the last lesson on Friday, and they return to the school on Monday evening between 20:00 - 21:00.
The school arranges bus transportation to Copenhagen and Slagelse for the home journey. The school plans the bus transportation based on the number of ticket bookings.

Departure from Herlufsholm

The school's buses to Copenhagen depart from Herlufsholm at 14:45 and arrive at DGI-byen (Ingerslevs gade) around 16:10. The bus to Slagelse departs from the school at 14:45. Arrival in Slagelse around 15:30.

Return to Herlufsholm

The buses depart from Copenhagen (DGI-byen) at 19:30 and from Slagelse (Bus Station) at 20:10.

  • SUS

If a boarding student feels unwell, gets sick, or just needs to talk to the health and wellness staff, they should go to SUS.
Inquiries to SUS should be made immediately after breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

At other times, you should contact the Headmaster's Office (during school hours) or the boarding teacher (outside school hours) before going to SUS.

  • Headmaster's Office

The Headmaster's Office is the school's central nervous system.
The school's secretaries, Marianne Bøgh and Birgit Brenting, are there to answer inquiries and help establish contact with the person you need to talk to. The Headmaster's Office also houses the school's management and those responsible for admissions and IT.
The Headmaster's Office can be contacted at +45 55 75 35 00 or by email at