Links and important information
- Study- and order regulations
- Sanctions for violations of school rules
- Sanctions for absence/lack of study activity
- Sanctions for plagiarism and cheating
- Anti Bullying Strategy for Herlufsholm
- Grief and Crisis plan
- Herlufsholm Child Protection Policy
- Policy for case management
- Conflict policy
- Digital Education
- Calendar 2024-2025
- Herlufsholm clothing
- Map of the School
- Webmail
- Parent Web
- Intranet
- Lectio
- IBManageBac
- BiblioMatic
- Studievalg
- GrammaTip
- UU Sydsjælland
- The Award Online Record Book
- Log in with Herlufsholm's wifi with mobil (only students): Iphone or Android
- Log in with Herlufsholm's wifi with PC/laptop (only students): Mac or Windows 10
General Information:
- Self-evaluation, the High School, 2022
- Evaluation and Quality Control, the High School, 2022
- Evaluation follow up, the High School, 2022
- Statement from the State Supervision, 2021/2022
- Quality Control, Middle School, 2022
- Fundats